My Mum and Dad

My Mum and Dad
Charladies Ball abt 1956/57

Friday, 25 June 2010

Importance of Backing Up

Why should we back up our research well my computer packed up on Tuesday & I have had to get a new one.
With this happening I was about a week out of date from backing up & with the offer that been on when England play to be able to look at the  1911 census & other records I had saved them to computer plus added people I found but guess what I had not backed up to my memory stick.
Plus while I have 2 Genealogy programs Family Tree Maker 2008 & Generations I prefered Generations but this program is really for windows 98 I did manage to get it to work on XP but this new computer is Windows 7 & no way will it work so while what I had backed up on there & to stick I hadn't to FT so I am out of date.
Which means I have to not only add people I had already done I have to remember who they were plus get the census & other info on them
So the moral is to back up & often so that you not only don't lose your work but you don't have to do it twice
I guess the good side is I am having to learn how to use FT which I hadn't before

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